Terminator Cheatsheet


sudo apt-get install terminator


Function Shortcuts
Split Horizontally —— Ctrl+Shift+O
Split Vertically —— Ctrl+Shift+E
Move to Next Terminal —— Ctrl+Shift+N or Ctrl+Tab
Move Parent Dragbar —— Ctrl+Arrow_key
Hide/Show Scrollbar —— Ctrl+Shift+S
Search for a Keyword —— Ctrl+Shift+F
Move to other Terminal —— Alt+Arrow_key
Copy text to clipboard —— Ctrl+Shift+C
Paste text from Clipboard —— Ctrl+Shift+V
Close the Current Terminal —— Ctrl+Shift+W
Quit the Terminator —— Ctrl+Shift+Q
Toggle full screen the tab —— Ctrl+Shift+X
Open New Tab —— Ctrl+Shift+T
Increase Font size —— Ctrl+(+)
Decrease Font Size —— Ctrl+(-)
Reset Font Size to Original —— Ctrl+(0)(zero)
Toggle Full-Screen Mode —— F11
Reset Terminal and Clear Window —— Ctrl+Shift+G
Group all Terminal into one —— Super+G
Ungroup all Terminal —— Super+shift+G
Toggle Full-Screen Mode —— F11

Terminator – A Terminal Emulator to Manage Multiple Terminal Windows on Linux
Terminator - readthedocs

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Hongwei Li
Hongwei Li
Software, Networking

Always on the way - Coding, DevOps, Networking.
